
What makes us different

Some things we do on a limited scale, as the standard of a company with used machines - buying, selling, dismantling machinery.

Our greatest strength is the information - we have over 60,000 contacts with production and commercial production companies worldwide. Our wide network of information helps us to conveniently sell machines from Eastern European clients to customers from Western Europe, America and Asia. These users have, not only in times of global recession, greater financial resources and we know from experience that many machines sell for mutually advantageous conditions to those same candidates.

On the other hand, we are able to provide for your machines, predominantly Czech and Slovak producers, often under conditions considerably better than the local market. This, very often qualitative, but also the difference in financial cost of these machines is the sites, although the Czech-Slovak machines in the world have very good sound, especially in a different perception of the market value of these machines on the above markets. Of course, in these cases is highly individual approach to buying or selling machines in the world requires. Thus, even if you find the desired machine on our site, enter your request in the section you are looking for a machine? and we will start a search for a suitable solution to your problem. This concerns not only the machinery of Czecho-Slovak origin as well as other world producers of machines, their parameters, often outside of the production programs of domestic companies and standard offers companies the business of selling used metalworking and forming machinery in our country - all this according to individual specifications and customer´s preferences.

We do not want to brag and hardly measurable long-term experience in this field (or if you wish - about 6 years of the largest Czech seller of machines, together about 8 years in the field), we delivered the machine speaks for itself - please see the References section.

Our goal is to sell hundreds of machines a year, but really good quality and individual approach to our customers.

At the same time but do not claim that you will always find the best solution to your problem with the above-mentioned factors. What we can almost guarantee - the largest selection of option offered a solution - and most comprehensive service for selling and buying used equipment.

We will be pleased with us their demand or supply will reach, for yourself, you will verify that the promise is impossible, but hand in hand, they become interesting and unusual in our market for alternative solutions to your problems in the field of machinery.

                                                                                                                                                    Ladislav Loutchan 







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